Submitting runtime upgrades

There are 2 main ways of submitting a runtime upgrade:


If the chain has a sudo key enabled, comonly enabled by dev chainspec's. A System::SetCode wrapped in a Sudo sudo_unchecked_weight transaction can overwrite the runtime and trigger a runtime upgrade with the submitted wasm file submitted with the setcode transaction.

Code example:

fn main() {
use std::path::Path;
use libuptest::metadata::read_wasm_binary_correct;
use subxt::{OnlineClient, PolkadotConfig};

let wasm_path = Path::new("/tmp/substrate-node-template/target/release/wbuild/node-template-runtime/node_template_runtime.compact.wasm");
// read binary
let code: Vec<u8> = read_wasm_binary_correct(wasm_path).await;
// create system set_code call
let call = nodetemplate::runtime_types::node_template_runtime::RuntimeCall::System(
SystemCall::set_code {
    code: code.into(),
); //Call::System(
let weight = Weight {
ref_time: 0,
proof_size: 0,

// create the sudo tx
let sudo_tx = nodetemplate::tx()
.sudo_unchecked_weight(call, weight);

Source code:

Democracy vote:

Create a preimage of the runtime upgrade set code:

The user can submit a preimaged of the system setcode call. Then submit the preimage to democracy by submitting a democracy > note preimage transaction.

Submit the preimage for a democracy vote

Make a democracy > propose transaction with your preimage hash.
Your proposal is now created!

Get votes!

All you need to do now is to get enough votes for your proposal so the chain will execute it. If you are running a dev node we recommend modifying the time lenght for the life cycle of a proposal to make debugging faster and easier.


Chains differentiate in how you submit the upgrade, depending on implementation.
If you have a chain that submits a runtime upgrade in a different way, submit a pr: