Libuptest ws_mod helper
use libuptest::ws_mod
is a collection of seperate functions that utilize the ws socket(Default port 9944) to talk directly to the chain and then render the results.
Name of Function:
Function description:
The event_watch function subscribes to the latest finalized blocks, every time their is a new block(normally every 6 seconds), the function will look at the event's triggered in the block and match that against a user defined event. If it finds the event in a block it will return the H256 block hash of that block. Select how many blocks to wait for with the block_limit parameter.
- client: JsonrpseeClient
- event: event_summary
- block_limit: u32
- Result<H256, crate::error::Error>
Used in code example:
Special feature flag needed: Yes - feature = "metadatadecode")
Name of Function: get_runtime_version
Function description:
Queries the state.getRuntimeVersion
endpoint in order to get the runtime version information.
inputs: client: JsonrpseeClient, outputs: RuntimeVersion Struct
Used in code example:
Special feature flag needed: No
Name of Function: get_decoded_extrinsics_from_blockhash
Function description: Takes in a blockhash as input and decodes the extriniscs into the nice human readable format with event_summary struct.
- blockhash: H256,
- metadatablob: Vec
, - client: JsonrpseeClient,
- Result<Vec<event_summary>
Used in code example:
Special feature flag needed: Yes - feature = "metadatadecode"
Name of Function:
Function description:
Return the PreBlock of the block from the block's hash.
blockhash: H256,
client: JsonrpseeClient,
outputs: Result<PreBlock, crate::error::Error>
Used in code example:
Special feature flag needed: No
Name of Function: get_latest_finalized_head Function description: Get the latest finalized block and return it as a H256 hash.
inputs: client: JsonrpseeClient, outputs: Result<H256, crate::error::Error> Used in code example:
Special feature flag needed: No
Name of Function: get_metadata_version
Function description: Returns the metadata version(1-14)
inputs: client: JsonrpseeClient outputs: u8 Used in code example:
Special feature flag needed: No
Name of Function:
Function description:
Convert a block_hash in H256 format to a Preblock
inputs: client: JsonrpseeClient, block_hash: H256,
outputs: Preblock
Used in code example:
Special feature flag needed: No
Name of Function: blocknumber_to_blockhash
Function description: Convert the block number to a block hash, function queries the chain's chain.getBlockHash endpoint.
inputs: client: JsonrpseeClient, block_nr: String,
outputs: Result<H256, crate::error::Error>
Used in code example:
Special feature flag needed: No
Name of Function: get_raw_metadata
Function description: The the chain's metadata in a raw format(Vector of u8's).
inputs: client: JsonrpseeClient,
Special feature flag needed: No
Name of Function: get_metadata_version
Function description: get the metadata version of chain X
Function description:
inputs: client: JsonrpseeClient,
outputs: Result<u8, crate::error::Error>
Used in code example:
Special feature flag needed: No
Add your own custom rpc/ws functions:
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { libuptest/src/ #[maybe_async::maybe_async(?Send)] /// use maybe-async crate to make the async code a bit easier to work with pub async fn get_custom_thing( client: JsonrpseeClient, ) -> anyhow::Result<MYTYPE, crate::error::Error> { // replace MYTYPE with the output you wish to get let hex_data: String = client .request("chain_getFinalizedHead", RpcParams::new())// replace chain_getFinalizedHead with module_function, if an input is required, pass it along with rpc_params![input1, input2] instead of RpcParamns::new(), which returns an empty list .await?; let myoutput: MYTYPE = H256::from_str(&hex_data.as_str())?; // make sure your type matches with the response output, serde comes in very handy for building structs based on the returned json rpc response Ok(myoutput) } }