Check added and changed storage items after a runtime upgrade

is a crucial part of doing runtime upgrades. Their are several ways to detect storage changes with Uptest.

The simpliest way is to follow our code example upgrade_change_diff:

Spin up a substrate based node:

git clone
cd substrate-node-template/ && cargo build --release
./target/release/node-template --dev --ws-external --

Start a substrate node

Run our code example:

$ git clone && cd uptest
$ cargo run -p uptest-examples --example upgrade_change_diff
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.26s
     Running `target/debug/examples/upgrade_change_diff`
Connected to: "node-template"  Runtime version: 106
Waiting for custom event to be triggered

Make changes to the node repo and change spec_version:

Make the changes you wish to do, in this example we have changed one storage map and added a storage value to the default template module you can find in the substrate-node-template repo.
Compile the node with the saved changes and get the target/release/wbuild/*.compressed.wasm file.

Submit the runtime upgrade(in our example with the Sudo key and polkadot.js.apps webui):

polkadot.js apps

Head back to your terminal and you should see that we are able to detect that our custom event has been triggered and we should get the following output:

Event detected in block: 0xf28159f44e72b1859a1b5fb1ff210401605b100300ed53058b939ad2c817faf4
Having a coffee break before next block...
Scanning the new metadata for changes
Runtime upgraded from version: 106 to new version: 107
Changed StorageMap: "SomeMapthree" in Pallet: "TemplateModule" to the new type: Primitive(U32)
Pallet: "TemplateModule" has added a StorageValue with the type: Primitive(Bool)
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