Libuptest auto-test

Libuptest supports automatically generating types for the storage entry types:

  • u8
  • u32
  • u64
  • u128
  • Boolean
  • Balances(to a certain degree)
  • TypeDef::Composite types
  • Tuples

Interact with InputHelper

The auto-test module use InputHelper to generate random input for the user.


Enable the auto-test feature flag.

libuptest = { git = "", version = "0.1.4", features = ["auto-test"]}


Code example:

fn main() {
use libuptest::error::Error;
use libuptest::jsonrpseeclient::JsonrpseeClient;
use libuptest::test_generation::autogen::{generate_auto_test, generate_test_std, AutoTestSummary, AutoTests};

/// generate a summary(AutoTestSummary) of suggested generated ways to query each storage item
async fn generate_tests(client: JsonrpseeClient) -> Result<AutoTests, Error> {
	// parse each storage entry and recommend a way to query it, similar to cli auto-test
	let auto_tests: Vec<AutoTestSummary> = generate_auto_test(client).await?:

/// cli version, this outputs the same data but directly to stdout with a old fashion print
async fn generate_cli_output(client: JsonrpseeClient) -> Result<(), Error> {
	// print info about quering each storage entry
	let _out = generate_test_std(client).await?;


cli auto-test
auto-test module code