Install and utilize Uptest:

Libuptest can be found at and github:

$ cargo new --bin try_uptest  
$ cd try_uptest/
$ cat rust-toolchain
channel = "nightly-2023-04-24"
targets = ["wasm32-unknown-unknown"]
profile = "default"
host = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"
$ cat Cargo.toml  
name = "uptest-cli"
version = "0.1.4"
edition = "2021"

libuptest = "0.1.4"

Note: Libuptest is currently only avaliable in the nightly edition, so you need to configure your rust-toolchain for that.

Libuptest feature flags

We wanted to make uptest a minimal and stand-alone library so Libuptest comes with multiple feature flags that you can enable:


This feature flag is used for adding extrinsic decoding functionality to uptest. By enabling this flag you unlock the following functions: unctions with metadatadecode flag:"


Feature flag not yet published.


The "ALL" feature flag does exactly what the name entails. It enables all avaliable feature flags.

All current feature flags on

Limitations of uptest:

  • Currently only supports metadata version 14 format
  • Is running nightly rust and contains several unwrap's